Josy Paula & Rogério
Josy Paula and Rogério Marcos have been married for 25 years, parents of three children and the creators of the Facebook and Instagram page @matrimonioemconstrução, which was given the title of this book. They are members of the Beréia Church in Pinheiral – RJ, led by Pastors Lázaro Augusto and Lucilene Lázaro. Through divine inspiration, they decided to express in words the gift of communicating as a couple, making their marriage a daily lesson in living together. This book has the plot of a real story, it was produced specifically for couples, with a quick, objective and dynamic reading, giving the reader a direction to achieve common goals together. “Brothers, I am not writing you a new commandment, but the old commandment, which you had from the beginning. This ancient commandment is the word that you heard from the beginning.” 1 John 2:7